Winter 2014

Welcome to the latest issue of the Sycamore Warbler! Attached is a copy of the latest issue.  Below you will find our scheduled activities you’re welcome to participate in. WEDNESDAYS IN THE WILD – Weekly programs on various natural history topics for adults and interested young people.  Usually from 1-3 p.m. or 7-9 p.m.   Sites Vary. For a complete description     of these programs email Joan Mohr Samuels at  or pick up a schedule at Lilly Nature Center in Celery Bog Park.   The new schedule will be out around late December.

Winter 2014

 January 1 Thursday  – Willow Slough-Iroquois Preserves Christmas Bird Count. All day count. Ed Hopkins is the compiler. To participate call him (see p.1) or come to the Dec. 11th meeting.

January 3 Saturday  – Cass County Christmas Bird Count. The second year for this CBC. Landon Neumann is the compiler. To participate email him (see p.1).

January 20 Tuesday  – Special January Program . Hope is the thing with Feathers: Americans and Three Birds. Joel Greenberg, author of ”A Feathered River Across the Sky”. 7:30 p.m. room 216 Purdue Forestry Building (parking in Purdue Garages is free in the evening). This is replacing SS’s usual 2nd Thursday meeting at Lilly Nature Center. Joel is also giving a talk to the Forestry & Natural Resource Department at 3:30 p.m., “The Echoes of their Wings: the life and legacy of the Passenger Pigeon in the Deans Auditorium of Pfendler Hall (the old Entomology Building).

January 20-25  – January Feeder Count. See page 6.

February 7 Saturday -Winter Birds Field Trip. 8:30 a.m. Celery Bog Park gravel parking lot. We’ll carpool to where the interesting birds are being reported—hawks, longspurs, maybe a Snowy Owl. Local Bald Eagles should have started to nest, too. 1/2 day trip.

February 12 Thursday – February Program: Through their Eyes: Female Choice and Male-Male Competition in Peafowl”. Jessica Yorzinski, Purdue postdoctoral research associate. Learn how Peahens choose their mates and peacocks assess their rivals. Jessica’s research uses eye-tracking technology to see what the birds base these decisions on. Lilly Nature Center, Celery Bog Park 7:15 p.m. Free parking and refreshments. REMEMBER: Dinner & Conversation at MCL with the speaker at 6 p.m.

February 13-16 Fri-Monday  – Great Backyard Bird Count. See back cover for more information. Count one day or four, one spot or many and report what you see on line at

Feb 21 Saturday  – February Work Day at Ross Hills Park. 10 a.m. Weather permitting. Meet at the Ross Biological Reserve (just east of the Park on the left side of the road that runs between the two sections of the Ravine Golf Course. Watch for the small sign). We will work on stacking already cut large honeysuckle and clearing out smaller ones. Email or call Susan Ulrich if you have any questions (see p 7).

Feb 20-25  – February Feeder Count. See page 6.

March 12 Thursday  – March Program: Tentative: BIGBY Birding & Photography. Joel Hess. Lilly Nature Center, Celery Bog Park 7:15 p.m. Free parking and refreshments.

March 28 Saturday – March Workday at Ross Hills Park. 10 a.m. Weather permitting Meet at the Ross Biological Reserve (just east of the Park on the left side of the road that runs between the two sections of the Ravine Golf Course. Watch for the small sign). We will work on stacking already cut large honeysuckle and clearing out smaller ones. Email or call Susan Ulrich if you have any questions (see p. 7).