The Summer Heat has Arrived

Hello, and welcome to the latest edition of the Sycamore Audubon’s newsletter.  I apologize very much for the tardiness in getting the website updated, it was hard to find much time due to my job and there was trouble getting a hold of the Warbler in .pdf.  Thank you for your understanding and we will do better next time.

Summer schedule is lean, please refer to our newsletter for ways to stay active within the Sycamore Audubon Society!

The download can also be found here:  Vol36Issue2

SUMMER BIRD COUNT. June 1– July 31.

See page 1 of issue


Thursday, September 8, 7:15 p.m. Lilly Nature Center. Bring a 5-10 minute program of digital images, slides, video, whatever you have to show. A CARRY-IN DINNER starting at 6 p.m. will precede the meeting. Bring a dish to share. SAS provides plates, cups, napkins, beverages, and utensils.