Spring 2015

Welcome to the latest issue of the Sycamore Warbler! Attached is a copy of the latest issue.  Below you will find our scheduled activities you’re welcome to participate in.WEDNESDAYS IN THE WILD – Weekly programs on various natural history topics for adults and interested young people.  Usually from 1-3 p.m. or 7-9 p.m.   Sites Vary. For a complete description  of these programs email Joan Mohr Samuels at  mohrsamuels@comcast.net  or pick up a schedule at Lilly Nature Center in Celery Bog Park.

Spring 2015

Mar 11th – Wednesday –  7:30-9:30pm “Sounds of Spring-Wacky Woodcocks” —- indoor/outdoor pgm-LNC Experience this spring birding ritual with Naturalist Mary Cutler & members of the Sycamore Audubon Society through an indoor talk about the woodcock followed by outdoor observations. Bringbinoculars.  Nature Center/Celery Bog Nature Area.  In WL, on north side of Lindberg Rd, between Northwestern & McCormick.

March 12 – Thursday – Program: BIGBY Birding & Photography. Joel Hess. Joel did a big bird year around the United States by bike. He had a number of interesting experiences along the way and lots of birds from the common to the rare. Come see photographs taken on his journeys and hear some of his stories. Lilly Nature Center, Celery Bog Park 7:15 p.m. Free parking and refreshments.

March 28 – Saturday – Honeysuckle Workday at Ross Hills Park. 10 a.m. See p. 2. Weather permitting. Meet at the Ross Biological Reserve (east of the Park watch for the small sign on the left side of 875 W, the road that divides the Ravines Golf Course). Email/call Susan Ulrich if you have any questions (see p. 9).

April 4 – Saturday – Winghaven Tour. Leader Karen Griggs. Carpool 9 a.m. Call Karen (p.9 or at 260-418-4410) or meet her at the two-story log cabin artist’s studio at Winghaven north of Angola at noon. Winghaven is on the Seven Sister’s Lake Chain & is a paradise for birds. Go to acreslandtrust.org for more info.

April 9 – Thursday – Program: Our Friend, the Bat. Bats are often misrepresented. In reality they play an important ecological and economic role in our lives. Jody Nicholson, an ecologist based out of Indianapolis, will clarify the misconceptions about these social critters, discuss research techniques, and state and federal protective measures to preserve these fantastic bug-catchers in the face of White Nose Syndrome, habitat loss, and other threats. Lilly Nature Center 7:15 p.m. Free parking & refreshments.

April 10 – 12, Fri – Sun – SAS Spring Bake & Plant Sale. Bring donations to the West Lafayette library on Friday after 10 a.m. or on Saturday morning. People are needed to help at the tables, too. See p. 2.  Earth Day Stewardship Forum and Stiltgrass Foray. See story on back cover. Start the day at 9:00 a.m. at the John S. Wright Conference Center at Martell Forest or join activities later.

April 22 – Wednesday – Earth Day Stewardship Forum and Stiltgrass Foray. See story on back cover. Start the day at 9:00 a.m. at the John S. Wright Conference Center at Martell Forest or join activities later.

April 25 – Saturday – Clegg Gardens Field Trip. Meet at the Clegg Garden parking lot at 7:30 a.m. We will tour this NICHES’ area looking for birds and other species of interest. After, stop by Garden Expo to say ‘Hi’.

April 25- Saturday – Garden Expo. Put on by the Master Gardener’s, this is a must-go stop for anyone who loves plants or gardens. SAS will be passing out information and selling donated plants, garden equipment, and bird items. Donations needed. See story p.2. Tippecanoe County Fair Grounds east side of Teal Road.

May 5 & 7, Tues and Thurs – Fifth Grade Camp Bird Walks. Leaders and assistants needed for 5th grade student bird hikes. The kids are great. Meet at Camp Tecumseh at 7 a.m. or at Celery Bog at 6:30 to carpool. See p. 2.

Big Day in May Warm-up. Martell Forest 7:30 a.m. A chance to learn to identify birds by sound as well as sight & a great refresher for rusty ears & eyes. Entrance is on E side of Tippecanoe Co 725W.

May 2 – Saturday – Big Day In May Bird Counts. Rain, sun, snow or fog, large leaves or no leaves, this is the day birders all over Indiana and other states go out to count birds in their area. We have several counts locally and all can use people to help. See more on page 1. The compilation party for the Lafayette Count is at the Wild Bird Shoppe at 9 p.m. Bring a snack to share. Beverages, etc. provided.

May 14 – Thursday – Program: Indiana’s Other Dunes: the Restoration of Prairie Border. Derek Luchik, North Central Indiana Field Steward for The Nature Conservancy, works to protect and restore some of our state’s most unique and imperiled habitats. Tonight’s focus is the oak savannas and wetlands of the Eastern Kankakee Sands formation and its unique and imperiled wildlife. Lilly Nature Center 7:15 p.m.  Free parking & refreshments.

June 13 – Saturday – Bird Ramble at Prophetstown. Grassland nesting species such as the Henslow’s Sparrow should be back on territory while some migrants may still be lingering. Meet at the eastern parking area with the basketball standards at 6:30 a.m. Birds seen will be included in the Tippecanoe Summer Bird Count.



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