As the Leaves Change..

Welcome to the latest post of the Sycamore Audubon Society!  A special thanks to those who came for the first meeting of the season, and we hope to see you again soon.  If you couldn’t attend, please take note of our upcoming events.

View our latest Warbler Vol 36 Iss 3 and Fall-Winter 2011 Calendar

Save the Dates! Program meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month at 7:15 PM in the Lilly Nature Center in West Lafayette except for Sept & Oct which are in the WL Public Library. People can join other members and the speaker for “Dinner and Conversation” starting at 6:00 PM at the MCL Cafeteria (SR 52 in West Lafayette) . Field trips times vary.

Thursday, September 8 – First Early Bird Hike at Horticulture Park. These are held every Thursday morning at 8 am, beginning at the parking lot in the birch grove on McCormick Road, east end of the park. We will do the hikes from Sept 8 through early December (or whenever it gets too cold).

Thursday, October 13 – Tales from the Wildcat Creek Wildlife Center. Carol Blacketer, Executive Director of the Wildcat Creek Wildlife Center in Delphi, will discuss the work of this state and federally licensed non-profit rehabilitation center. Stories of the joy of recovered animals and the heartbreak of those lost will be shared, and she hopes to be accompanied by a bird or two, as well. 7:15 p.m. in the Elm Room of the WL Public Library. Free parking in garage.

Friday-Sunday October 14-16 – SAS’s Fall Bake & Plant Sale. West Lafayette Public Library. Funds raised help purchase and protect Mulvy Pond. See Warbler p. 1 & 3. Donations and cashiers needed. Call 765-583-2275.

Saturday, October 15 – Trip to the Lake Michigan Shore. This should be peak time for migrating swans, geese, grebes and loons. Chances are good for a variety of gulls and maybe a jaeger or two. We will also look for migrating songbirds as this time of the fall is often good for rarities such as Townsend’s Solitaire. Gather at the gravel parking lot at Celery Bog at 6:30 am. We will stop at Jasper-Pulaski to hear the cranes on the way up. This is an all-day field trip.

Saturday, October 29 – Prophetstown State Park. We will walk the trails looking for late migrants. Possibilities include Rough-legged Hawk, Rusty Blackbird, and a variety of sparrows. Meet at the far parking lot within the park at 8 am.

Thursday, November 10 – Falconry 101: The Ancient Art Today. Falconer Tom Hagovsky will bring in his two birds, Red-tailed Hawk “Lydia” and American Kestrel “Beast”, and will educate the audience on the culture and mechanics of falconry. An exciting presentation not to be missed! Lilly Nature Center, Celery Bog Park, West Lafayette, 7:15 p.m. Refreshments & free parking.

Sunday, November 20 – Sandhill Cranes Excursion. We will take a Sunday afternoon drive to see the cranes at Jasper-Pulaski State Wildlife Management Area. Cranes should be near their peak in numbers at this time. Meet at the gravel parking lot at Celery Bog at 3 pm to carpool. We should be back around 7 pm.

Saturday, December 3 – Brush up on your winter birds before the Dec 17 Christmas Bird Count. Meet at the gravel parking lot at Celery Bog at 8:30. We will bird in that area or drive to other local sites to track down unusual birds that may have been reported (Long-eared Owl? Lapland Longspur?)

Thursday, December 8 – Wildflowers and Ferns of Indiana Forests. Michael Homoya, renowned botanist and DNR plant ecologist for nearly 30 years, will discuss subject matter from his new book, a field guide with the same name as the title of this program. The book is the long awaited second effort after his Orchids of Indiana treated floraphiles to his singular knowledge of Indiana plants. His talks consistently highlight this expertise, as well as his unique wit and humor. Lilly Nature Center, Celery Bog Park, West Lafayette, 7:15 p.m. Refreshments & free parking.

Saturday, December 17 – Lafayette Area Christmas Bird Count. An all-day count covering a 15-mi diameter circle centered on Lafayette. Volunteers are needed. More in the next Newsletter along with the information on the Crane Naval Depot Count (usually the Tuesday after the Lafayette Count) and the Willow-Slough Iroquois Preserves Count on New Year’s Day.

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